Testing post of today. Birth of my private blog is here (:
Gonna post every single thing of my life here dairy. Reason for a private is that, there are always certain things you wouldn't want strangers to know? But best friends have the right to know. So, those who are reading this blog are my besties, my closest companion d:
Cheers!Liping stayed over at my house yesterday (28th). Brenda didn't join because she got lesson on the following day. So yeah, only Liping stayed over. HAHA! Last night was full of nonsense man. Went to 7-11 to buy drink. I bought 2 bottles of milk :x b'cos there's a promotion, 2 for $2.55? Forgotten how much luh! (; while Liping bought orange juice using my milk yeah! HAHA! Owed me so much already. Can't remember how much already luh. Then crapped at my house. She was on the phone almost the whole night! Chatting to.. hmm, shall not mention here. &She actually played
Audition! She's so damn noob can! keep missing &missing, too 'kan chiong' already luh, Liping! HAHA! I showed her how to play, it's not a good demonstration as I suck at Audi too! Then she played with Kelvin. Obviously she's lousier than him, alot. Wahaha! Went to bed. Liping continued to chat on phone with.. Haa! I can't go to sleep man, she really talk very loud. Even my mum can hear her with my door closed (Obviously, I'm the one who got scolded by my mum for being so noisy? grr!!). I finally fall asleep after she hung up!
Woke up at 6.30, then went back to sleep until 6.50. Didnt woke Liping up so early, cause I know she won't wake up! Went to bathe, then prepare for school. As usual, she didnt wake up when I tried to wake her up. Until *somebody* called her. Then she woke up.. Lying on the bed, thinking that I haven't shower. Around 5 minutes later, I tried to wake her up, then she asked me go shower first, which I already had. Laughs! Then off we go, Liping was supposed to head home &"sleep" but I supposed she'll play Audition :x, &me, supposed to head for school. Aww, instead, we headed to Bugis to accompany Brenda. She's crying :( Damn sad to see her like this. Then Brenda went to school while we went for breakfast cum lunch. I WENT HOME AFTER THAT :( I'm feeling damn guilty for not attending lessons. This week, I had already skipped like 3 days of school. Fuck it. Why am I like that? Bad. Very bad!
Random post for today (29o92oo7)
Have been skipping lessons ALOT recently. Really feel damn guilty! Sighs. I really must change this dumb habit of mine. Shall attend every lesson!! RARRR! Tired of all the lies. Yeah, tired of cheating my mum, tired of lying! Lying is not good, it makes one feels guilty :x Seriously, shouldn't lie at the first place.
p.s.: Brenda's super sad these 2 days. Cheer up, Brenda! SMILE :D&I'm missing him so much. Can't get him outta my mind :(
Randomly ranted ♥ 1:09 AM