No, I'm not attached!
Don't make wild guesses yeah! ^^
I'm still single-licious beybeh!
p.s/ I don't know what to say, I had been skipping class very much these two days. Fuck it.
Randomly ranted ♥ 7:35 PM
Hi all, it had been some time since I blogged :(
The reason is behind this is... I'm too busy. Hahaha!
(Okay, I have to admit it's partially because I'm lazy ;p )
Ever since school started, I began to feel the tension and I'm actually quite stressed out now.
Major projects coming in. And I really don't know how to cope with it.
I promise myself not to skip any lessons without any valid reasons.
I hope I'll keep this promise :)
It's like only the second week of school and I'm stressed out already.
How am I gonna survive the whole of this semester, not forgetting the second semester! >:(
Looking back, I've been so dumb and stupid when it comes to the relationship part.
Yeah, I mean it.
Giving my whole 100% into the relationship, doesn't get me anywhere.
Just countless times of heartbreaks and zillions of tears.
Putting 'him' as the piority of my life,
and get myself hurt in the end :)
How dumb.
I guess that's the old me.
I don't know since when, my heart had turn into a stone.
And now everything to me, it's just a game.
Just play along, abiding the rules, and win the game.
As simple as that :)
Well, this period of time (Well, I don't know when to when also-.-!), so many things happened, and finnaly saw the true colours of some people. Life's like this.
People come and go and they do change.
From the Mr./Ms. Nice to Mr./Ms Whatever.
They can be so close to you, but gradually they'll find new friends and just drift a p a r t from us.
They care for you so much, but gradually changed to the 'cannot be bothered' type.
They can be so nice to you, but gradually they'll just disappear from our lives.
This is life.
p.s/ This post is not for anybody nor refering to anyone. It's just another random post.
Randomly ranted ♥ 11:01 PM
Hello migraine.
Do you know you suck big time?
Making me nauseous and sick,
when it's time to work.
You almost make me faint,
when I was on my way to work.
Please do not visit me again,
never ever.
Even though, you miss me very much,
just like how I miss school.
Make yourself disappear in my life,
just like magic, VABOOM!
Thanks! :)
2 days of work already taken almost half of my life,
how about 6 days of work, like non-stop?
Total craziness, so is my commission :)
p.s/I don't want the world to end so soon.
Randomly ranted ♥ 1:24 AM
Karma is
now, and then.
Karma is something
twice as
bad as what bad thing you did to others.
Karma is
What you get goes around, comes around. (double)
Karma oh karma.

Randomly ranted ♥ 3:54 PM

F*ck. I'm f*cking pissed off.
Randomly ranted ♥ 12:32 AM
Aloha!!!!! :D
I'm back from all the laziness and 'nothingness' in my life.
Pardon me for all the bad English, AKA Singlish.
What have I been doing these days? What a question.
Because, I haven't been doing anything these days except for some viwawa-ing and TV! :p
Just checked my e-mail and received a mail from nuffnang that....
(Click on the large to enlarge/view)

p.s/ Blurring the following information is necessary:
1. My favourites sites - To protect my privacy :p
2. My contacts on the side - To protect my contacts' privacy.
3. Advertisements - I'm not paid to advertise for the advertisers on my blog. There's no free lunch on earth. (well, if you get what I mean, not really LUNCH)
Yes, I received my first nuffnang advertisement campaign (other than the Global CPC ads) in my life. :)
Okay, let's talk about friendster users today.
The thing I cannot stand about some friendster users is that, they think everybody's DYING to view their profiles and it's a responsibility to write a comment for them if we view them. Why why why?!?! It's totally absurd to me. Maybe you, whose reading this is one of those people.
People write IRRITATING comments like,
"Hey, thanks for viewing."
What?! Cannot view you is it. No need to thank me for that. Or is it some people just want to seek some attention from me and gain some views.
"Hey, thanks for adding"
WHEN I DIDN'T EVEN ADD THEM. And the fact that, they're the one who added me. This is one of my most hated comments.
"Wah, view and run ah?"
Like what the heck, is it a responsibility to write a comment for every one's profile I viewed? I don't think so. Is it a crime to view someone's profile?! Too despo for comments? Then write some comments yourself. Oh! Or maybe you can go download some auto commenting program to make your pathetic life more easy. ;)
"Hello, intro wanted." or "Hey, intro please."
HELLO?! Didn't you read my profile before you add me or comment me? It's not very nice when I had written my introduction in my profile. And it's a long and 'informatic' one okay?! Read before you act please.
Seriously all these shit is super annoying. I swear man. Please use your brain first before you write all these stupid stuff. Oh my god, it's just unbearable.
Some people who do not agree with what I mention above, would just ask me to stop using friendster then. Well, if I can, I will. I once deleted my friendster account years ago, because there are too many to handle, and created my friendster account back last year only.
And, only some people (irritating) people will comment stupid stuff, not ALL.
If you don't agree what I had written above, most probably you one of "those people", so, you have no rights to stop me from using friendster. :)
That's it for today. Oh yah. Maybe wouldn't have time to update from 7 July to 13 July, as I'm working for roadshow the whole week. Continuously for seven days can! Awww, gonna be tired like f*ck >:(
Tata. Take care all.
p.s/ Please do support me by clicking on the nuffnang advertisement on the right side bar now! ¬ forgetting participating in the poll that I just put up! ^^v
Thanks all ♥
Randomly ranted ♥ 7:13 PM
Life is so fragile.
I suddenly feel that life is so fragile, people can just pass away anytime.
Anytime, anywhere.May it be sickness, accidents, murders, or even
How can anybody just kill another human being? I really don't understand.
We're the same, human. What's the purpose of killing one another.
I see no purpose in it. It'll just get you behind the bars.
NO, it's the
almighty death sentence.
I think all
rapers and
child molesters should be given death sentence.
This is a crime that I cannot tolerate. As well as
God bless you. God bless us :)
p.s/ Will post up pictures of my laptop skin the next time :p
& Please help me click on the advertisement below, and on the right sidebar. Thanks alot ^^v
Randomly ranted ♥ 8:58 AM