Polaroid camera.
p.s/ I want one of those. I want it man. But I've got no money to get one.
Randomly ranted ♥ 9:32 PM
weareohsoracists.How dumb am I.How much am I hated by my classmates.How, my life.I actually went to school, thinking that I was late like one mother fucker, when there's no class (tomorrow too).Wow, sinyi, good job. Class rep, you done a good job too huh, taking those extra marks for being a extremely good class rep. Not even a single call from you to inform me class' cancelled today and tomorrow's morning. What a day.p.s/ I'm working hard from now onwards, stop influencing me.
Randomly ranted ♥ 12:07 AM
Hi peeps.
My blog traffic sucks to the max, whatever k. Nobody cares.
Weeee... First day of school was a tired one.
Azzy and I had promised to work hard for this semester.
Sounds familiar eh? This time we're serious.
I must at least get a distinction this time round. MUST.
No more 'play play' mood.
I'm using my school's new iMac to blog!
The new iMac is love.
I want one too! :D
Show me the money!
p.s/ I'm feeling sleepy.
Randomly ranted ♥ 1:08 PM
A belated,
Happy New Year,
And and Merry Christmas.
What had happened to me? Well, whatever k. I admit that I negelected my blog for weeks, and I'm making it all up from today onwards, because school's next week. Fuck it. Now I think holiday's short. I fell sick for so long. 2008 is a bad year for me man. Sick and everything. Fuggg laaa. Resolution for 2009:1. Get richer each second.2. Better health.3. Better results.4. Better relationships with friends, family and etc.5. Hair to grow faster.6. Stop sneezing, like now.7. Good health and luck for people around me.8. Find a stable part time job for myself.9. Make a new student ez-link.10. Learn how to cook the most delicious MEE SOTO, hmmm, heavenly!Vavavoom! I have bangs, again. Whatever k. Bangs rawksxz \m/I truly hope the year 2009 will get better.I had been repeating this sentence every year, but things just screwed every year.p.s/ I gotta go change my call tone now!!!!
Randomly ranted ♥ 10:56 PM