I totally
hate my
secondary school life.
I hate it to the max.
I hate to remind myself of those days.
childish and
immature am I. And how ugly am I?
Oh god.I'm glad that I had grown up and had changed a lot.
So, please do not rake up the past and try to talk to me about secondary school life.
I hate my secondary school life! >:(
p.s/ I love The Ting Tings
Randomly ranted ♥ 2:12 PM
How on earth am I gonna cope with assessments next semester when I can't even cope now? Sighs. I'm fucked up right now. So many asignments, how am I going to complete them.I hate 3D animation because I don't know how to do modelling. I don't know how to start.Here I am, attending this 3D animation class. Why can't we drop subjects like secondary school?Why? Because it's NAFA. (it sucks)
Anyway, I got my Victoria's Secret bags. And I loveeeeee them to the max. It's so worth it man. I think I'll regret not buying them ;p The VS set of bags that I bought are already OOS! Luckily, I bought it fast! Woohoooo!!! Argh, girls! Shopping non stop. I think somebody should just chop off my hands to prevent me from spending too much. I saving up for my Hong Kong trip later in December this year. Whatever lah. I'm forever scrimping and saving up for my endless wishlist. I can see myself in the future, working very hard to get labels and stuffs. What a bimbo. I can't be like that for the rest of my life. So, I've decided to save save and save! I want to save up my first $10,000 before 21. Thus, I need a job. Anyone got a job (flexi. hours) to introduce?I'm unsure of my future. I'm very unsure. Designer? Perhaps not, I can't handle the stress, I can't... I want to be a designer (cut away the stress and stuff) so much in the past. Until, the day my lecturer told us how a designer's life gonna be like. I was stunned. Neither, did I knew how tough it's gonna be. My passion for designing and photography is still buring inside my heart. But, I cannot imagine how tough my life as a designer is going to be. I don't think so... I really don't think so... I should just get a job as a cabin crew and be a bimbo. That's my life, not.p.s/ Hey peeps, please help me click on the Nuffnang advertisments. Please click as many times as possible. Thank you! ;)
Randomly ranted ♥ 9:33 AM
I seriously hate dislike rowdy ITE students okay. Fuckatards.Hey come on, what I did to deserve all that. Weird stares and judging comments.Like I care?! They're just kids that can't behave well in public. For that, I'll forgive.They behave like monkeys, girls as well, and they think that they're fucking damn cool.Fuck off man. They are a disgrace to their school and to Singapore.I never looked down on ITE students, till then.Rowdy ones are intolerable.I feel like punching them in their faces and and give a tight slap right on the cheek.I pity their parents for bringing them to earth. They are such a disgrace.Rowdy behaviour and it sucks to the max.How childish are they? They should grow up and stop dreaming to be a gangster or something.They need classes on how they should behave in public.p.s/ Sorry for all the vulgarities. I need to vent it out :)
My city, Singapore.
Randomly ranted ♥ 10:47 PM
It was a scary experience. Pain overtaking my body, and feeling super nauseous. Vision blurred, hearing was affected too. I almost fainted. Quickly, I alighted the crowded train and sat down on the nearest bench. I thought I was going to die. I know it's stupid, but I really felt it. I was alone and scared. I didn't know what to do.
p.s/ What did I do to deserve all these? All I wanted is a normal life. Sickness, can you please go away. I don't need you in my life that often okay, or even not at all.
Randomly ranted ♥ 10:15 PM
Hello earthlings,I'm here blog about my dearest friend atika. Hahaha. She's feeling so prawny right now, after having the super prawnilicious tom yam. Hahaha. She came over my house to study but right now, she's like sleeping away okay ._. Should I like wake her up, okay, yes I should. I'm a good friend. Will wake her up after typing this post.I'm doing my history project right now. Which give me headache, I mean real headache k. I think panadol should sponser me. Whatever lah, sinyi.
Oh yah. Should I change my to Cyndi (Cindy)? Because it's so similar to my Chinese name, people keep get confused over it. SHOULD I?!
Tata, ciao.
Randomly ranted ♥ 4:41 PM
SAs with bad mouth will get karma like me.
Had a really bad experience yesterday. Well, let's not talk about it. >:(
Later my bffs are gonna come to my house to bake. Let's pray that it'll all go smoothly.
Atika! Let's bake muffins instead of those awful banana cupcakes with icing (Sugar = Fats). Icing is fattening k, and not tasty at all. It's like wasting your money on these unhealthy and awful stuff. So, let's bake muffins. Easier to handle and so much more tastier than the icing banana cupcakes.
It had been such a long period of time since I last posted a picture of myself. Vola.
& my nephew!
p.s/ Let's pray for the baking session to be a great success. :D
Randomly ranted ♥ 1:46 PM
Hey peeps, how's life?Okay, very random. I'm having animation class now, yet here I am, blogging and ranting away.Regarding the previous post of mine, it's the fact k. In designing this line, we've to be fake, putting on a fake smile always. That's designer's life. Even my lucturer also said so. I've been going to school without make up these few weeks. Just too lazy to smack on some to my face. Haha. I'm makeup-less, I feel ugly :( Whatever lah, Sinyi. You're going to school not some fashion parade. __I'm feeling vulgar recently, vulgarities coming out of my mouth. Ewww, how turn off, I know. But couldn't resist it. Ask me some stupid questions, you'll get this from me __ or fuck off. I need to kick this bad habit of replying vulgarities to people. I need to change.Okay, ciao, moving on to animation assignment now. Tata. Take care till then.
Randomly ranted ♥ 9:29 AM
Some people live for the fortune.
Some people live just for the fame.
Some people live for the power.
Some people live just to play the game.
Some people think that the physical things.
Define what's within.
And I've been there before.
But that life's a bore.
So full of the superficial.
Another LNY had passed. I feel old. I had passed
19 Lunar New Years. Time really flies, sometimes it's really scary how fast time can pass. All these years, a lot of things happened.
Things had changed, people had changed, and even places had changed. I had grown up a lot going through all these things. Experiencing high and low of my life. Different types of people had been in and out of my
social circle or even my
life. Some, I would never want to see them again for
XOXO reasons that even I'm not very sure of.
2007 is the year that I really stepped outside my own
princess-fairytale world to see the real side of the 'world'. One thing I find it hard to cope with is, the
fakeness between people (and sometimes, what we called 'friends'). I really find it hard to accept the fakeness and all, but I have to, it's the fact. Slowly, I had became one of those fake bitches. Well, I'm only fake to you, if you're to me. Initially, I felt guilty over the fakeness I gave, but gradually, I realised, I should not be feeling that way because the community that I'm in, is treating each other this way. People can be friends with you now, but when they found new clicks they can
dump you aside and ignore you.
Karma will befall on you. Only then, they'll discover who their true friends were. It's all too late. I'm gald that I have a bunch of bitches that I know would stay by me no matter what, that's what true friends really are.
I love you bitches (you should know who you're).That's all for the long rant or whatever you want to call it. Anyway, I had a Happy LNY and received lots of angbao money :)
Happy Lunar New Year, peeps!
p.s/ Accept it, the fakeness.
Randomly ranted ♥ 4:56 PM